Building Decarbonization
From our early energy efficiency transactions to our current work financing efficiency-first building electrification, NY Green Bank has spent the past decade working with developers, owners, and service providers to identify financing gaps in the building sector and develop innovative solutions.
We began by fostering relationships across building sectors — commercial and industrial, multifamily, and public infrastructure — in the New York market to understand the barriers preventing more sustainable construction and retrofit projects from getting across the finish line. We worked with industry participants to learn what they needed but couldn’t get from their current lenders. The feedback from this collaboration led to an evolving portfolio of products.
CDF Highlight
NY Green Bank is pleased to announce the launch of a $250 million Community Decarbonization Fund (CDF) and encourages Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and other specialty lenders to apply for this highly concessionary funding pathway to deliver climate justice to residents of disadvantaged communities (DACs). The CDF is expected to expand and accelerate the lending capacity of smaller community-based and mission-driven investors by channeling financing into sustainable infrastructure projects that benefit historically marginalized communities.
Learn more at the link below:
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